C.E Research and Angles

The very first secondary research we carried out was general, just to have an understanding around what we were to do, in the second week. But this week we had to have it tailored down according to the scope of our project

  • History of Conductive Learning
  • Benefits, Attempts, Best practices/other therapies
  • Identify project supporters, Investors and Critics
  • Talk to end users/operators
  • Talk to Experts
  • Understand the workings of the NHS

Some of the reasons for this came, out of the first mind-map we had done. For example, we needed to know how the NHS relates with alternative health organisations, how the NHS liaise with the ones they recommend people to, and how these organisations came to be acknowledged in the first place.


Understanding the criticisms and alternative methods to tackling the issues with these disorders. When we had the discussions with our Tutor Mark Bailey, this was a key aspect he spoke about

From another tutor, Neil Smith, it was more about understanding the bigger picture of things, this was really aligned to my way of thinking. Putting our selves in the shoes of these people.

In the Shoes of Others

One example I talked about was about my friends mum. She was a victim of stroke and didn’t want to leave the house. How do you get her to attend such sessions. Someone who used to help others as a Nurse now had to be helped.
So one idea that jumped out of this was the possibility of having in-house sessions. We are definitely going to try this out.

Research Beginnings!

My research in the first week, was to gain a better understanding of what Conductive Education was. Questions I searched around was,

What has Percy Hedley done? Around CE?

What is CE? When did it come into being?

What does it entail, what are the benefits and to whom does this apply?

I also had to refresh my memory on what I had learnt about project management as an undergraduate. One of my roles on this team, was to keep my eye on the bigger picture of whatever we were going to do, add some form of structure and I gave Katie , who opted to make the project plan at the time, a document to get her going which i had used on an earlier project. I am the Project strategist, and internal consultant, That’s what I would like to be in future employment, and it’s best i begin to practice.

My Research took me across the following.