Q & A : How an INFJ survives the 9-5

Pro Tip

A big challenge for the INFJ in working 9 – 5 is the constant ON required to work this way, but this is unavoidable some times, so what can an INFJ do to keep themselves from imploding?

I decided to chat with a fellow INFJ, who works in digital technology on how one can survive the 9-5. Enjoy.

What do you look for in a job in terms of how it should affect you and affect others

F: It is important to me that I’m solving problems at any job I’m in and that I’m having measurable wins, I need to know that I am helping others.

A: Work for me has to combine a high level of autonomy, low levels of political struggle, lots of creative challenges and a strong element of helping others which is why UX works out great for me as INFJ. But it’s hard to know what a workplace would be like without being inside the system. 

Q: How do you weigh the pros and cons of interacting with people.

F: Without any conscious effort my interaction with others is based on a “Is there any need for this chat” meter. In terms of pros, I’m happy others provide answers I require to get my job done. For cons, it’s when it starts to get light-hearted, they might gossip a little which I am not interested in and I know I would have to cut it short. Sometimes they cut it short when they realize I am not interested.

A: Small talk is a challenge, if what we are chatting about isn’t going to directly help you or make us laugh, it’s hard to stay in a conversation. I’ve learned though that small talk can be useful in measures but please not all the time. Anything that can be discussed via email or IM will be done. I save face to face interactions for the most important things, discussing a new idea, solving a challenge or having a laugh.

What do you do when you’ve had a lot of interaction in one day

F: During the day I find myself needing a break from interaction, a little time to just breath in and breath out all by myself, sometimes in the loo. I find that if I don’t get this, I start to demand direct answers to enquiries, get straight to the point please

A: For me, it’s all about external stimuli that drains my energy, from light to sounds in the workplace. During the day I go to the loo for 5 mins break from everything. I use headphones when I can. I would rather be up and about than stuck behind a desk. I have a huge need to be outdoors, so taking a break outside the office, helps. After work, I try to make sure I have at least 2 hrs to myself, so that I can recharge and eliminate irritation. Food is also a good de-stressor.

Are you an INFJ? how do you survive the 9 – 5, let us know 🙂

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